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Who is normal?

Every person has unique way of being in the world. Almost everyone claims to be either “weird” or “normal”.

When you put a face on them it’s easy to see that we are all made of the same elements of the mind but we arrange them differently. We all need to listen to our needs and we all need to fit in with the people who surround us, first our family, then friends and other social and loving relationships. Using Eggomotion it becomes clear which elements are at stake. We cannot betray our essence to fit in socially, but we cannot do as we please whenever we want to. This negotiation between authenticity and our need to belong to a group, to be loved and included can be negotiated much better if we understand what is at stake. It’s a match, a game, a dance, a give and take, seduction and boundaries, rules and naughtiness, ..Every one of us must find our own special formula between freedom and safety. If we achieve this balance we contribute to building a life with meaning and a healthier society. 

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1 Comment

  1. Excelente y esencial artículo,.Gracias por ayudarnos con las herramientas de Eggomotion. Estamos adoptando las dinámicas que describes en tu estupendo libro EGGOMOTION the mind in motion ( en el contexto educativo de la Escuela Municipal de las Artes de Torrelaguna, Madrid. Eggomotion nos abre las puertas -a pequeños y adultos- a una comunicación y comprensión extraordinaria de la mente, de las emociones, de la creatividad. Nos gustaría y ayudaría mucho poder recibir una newsletter del Blog -tal vez, semanal- para compartirla en nuestro centro educativo. Gracias.

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