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Eggomotion est l’ABC de l’esprit. Il permet à chacun de comprendre l’esprit en jouant, en libérant notre potentiel de résolution de problèmes, de relations, de santé et de travail.

Eggomotion helps you rediscover yourself.

Eggomotion te ayuda a redescubrirte.

Welcome to the mind 

Oui, vous pouvez vous enthousiasmer!

Je suis Vivienne Sarobe, psychologue clinicienne et auteure d’Eggomotion. Depuis 1991, j’aide les gens à se comprendre mutuellement et à se comprendre eux-mêmes.

Eggomotion est un outil visuel simple et amusant qui peut nous aider à entrer en contact avec notre moi intérieur et à ouvrir les portes d’une vie plus heureuse et plus épanouissante.

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Changez votre vie émotionnelle

Créez une vie que vous aimez !

Consultation privée

Je propose des consultations privées pour vous aider à comprendre divers défis en utilisant Eggomotion comme outil. C'est parfait pour les enfants, les adolescents, les familles, etc., mais surtout pour les adultes qui ont besoin de se rappeler comment jouer, comment se reconnecter à la joie et guérir leur corps du stress excessif.

Conférences et ateliers

Je participe souvent à diverses conférences et ateliers qui aident les individus et les groupes à comprendre et à travailler avec leur esprit. Comme toujours, Eggomotion est un outil fantastique et utile. Restez à l'affût de mes prochains événements. J'ai hâte d'entrer en contact avec vous.

Équipes multiprofessionnelles

Certaines situations critiques nécessitent un grand effort dans lequel d'autres professionnels peuvent être requis (avocats, professeurs particuliers, physiothérapeutes, médecins, infirmiers...). Je crée fréquemment et collabore avec des équipes multiprofessionnelles. ||

Cours en ligne

En ce moment, je développe plusieurs cours en ligne utilisant Eggomotion. Ces cours seront bientôt disponibles et pourront aider à améliorer la vie émotionnelle de nombreuses personnes.

Consultante scolaire

Les élèves sont l'avenir, et les aider à comprendre leur esprit est d'une importance capitale. Je collabore continuellement avec des écoles pour améliorer leurs connaissances sur l'esprit et la santé mentale, ce qui influence directement les performances. Learn Eggomotion est un magnifique livre pratique bilingue pour aider les écoles à parler des émotions. Vous pouvez choisir vos langues. Contactez-nous et nous examinerons vos besoins.

TV, radio, Youtube et podcast

Je suis apparu dans des émissions de télévision, des stations de radio, des podcasts, et j'ai également ma propre chaîne YouTube pour aider à promouvoir le bien-être émotionnel dans le monde entier. Je suis ouvert aux invitations, n'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez une opportunité de collaboration.

I am passionate about engaging with people to create and impact that will improve their world.  Lets´ get in touch and see what we can do together!||


Blogs, Vlogs, Articles ........

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Collaborations where I have offered participation, seminars, etc


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Kind words from colleagues, professors and patients

So, I have just finished reading and think that it is marvellous, funny, creative, utterly original and a joy to read. What a marvellous idea. I am delighted and not surprised that people are catching on and I’m sure the teaching is great too – you have such a vivid and rich mode of expression that I imagine that it will all be a great success. Many congratulations.
Margot Waddell
Psychotherapist, Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society and Visiting Lecturer at the Tavistock Clinic
This tool has allowed me to understand my emotions from an analytical and visual perspective, helping me in the arduous task of "knowing myself" and "growing". It has allowed me to elaborate mental outlines that are easy to assimilate, giving me the capability of regulating my emotional states. In my work with children and adolescents, it is very useful and effective.
Iris sztul Sucheki.
Psicóloga sanitaria, Especialista en niños y sus familias
Communicaton is the base of human understanding. If there is bad communication, understanding becomes complicated and it makes human relationships difficult. Sometimes we can't even explain ourselves so others can understand us, or understand others. Eggomotion has given me a tool that is immensely practical to acknowledge my emotions and those of others so we can handle them efficiently. It helps me tremendously to communicate well. It´s a unique tool to fight social stigma due to mental health issues.
Experta en comunicación. Técnico municipal en las áreas de cultura, educación y juventud.
Eggomotion presents a visual model to understand how the mind works. I'm fascinated by the way Vivienne uses images to explain in a simple way concepts that are normally complex. I think the big advantage of Eggomotion is that it's a pedagogical tool available for children and adults, for people with a formal education and for the layman.
Traductor para tribunales
Eggomotion is an efficient tool that allows adults to perceive and uncover the armor that life has woven around us, so that we could confront adversity. This armor hides life: the tenderness, sensitivity and and curiosity we held as children, separating us from knowledge. The armor helps us but it removes joy. As adults, when we remove it we are able to access our hidden treasures improving our language and our possibility of reaching. agreements.
Juan Carlos Azcarate Benedit
Doctor en psicologia. Especialista en psicologia clinica.
To me Eggomotion is a synonym of clarity. When your mind is so blocked you can't even find the minimum strength to think, you can´t find words to express how you feel and you can't reason, describe, talk and you are incapable of expressing yourself, Eggomotion is so simple and clear that at those times when you are so lost it helps you focus thanks to it's characters that look like the characters in a story. Everything starts to make sense and to flow much better. You don't need to think, you can see it, like in a film. And your mind calms down, that's what matters to me, and you start to understand why.
Eggomotion is like a comic, it shows us how we are and why. It helps us understand ourselves and others. It's a unique and pioneer model that helps us understand the mind and our behavior, we learn to handle situations and behaviors of our own and of our environment.
Jesús L
Experto en Marketing y cantante de ópera
Eggomotion represents natural feelings very well and helps us understand where they come from and work to find a fun way to control them.
Ama de casa y estudiante
Eggomotion is the universe that puts a face on feelings we are unable to name but that are the foundation of our everyday life. With the appearance of a game, it allows us to deepen in our different voices and understand ourselves, confront the, respect them and integrate them to reach a better balance in our inner world that will be reflected in our actions.
Lara. H
Periodista y cantante
To me it's very practical. Every Eggo helps us see emotional situations, you feel identified and also find solutions. Try it, it helps me understand what I'm going through
Ama de casa y profesora de pilates
With Eggomotion I'm learning to understand how I work and know why I react in one way or another and why I feel how I feel. This helps me tremendously to treat myself with more affection, because I understand what is happening and I can feel compassion for myself.This understanding leads me to understand what I have to change to feel better and become a better version of myself. It's a wonderful tool because you can see yourself with perspective, now I am much more objective when it comes to self criticism.
Andrea G
Consultora de finanzas